Upcoming updates

  • Implement Light and Dark Theme(Feature)

    Allow users to switch between light and dark themes for a more personalized experience.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium

  • Enable User Login/Register for Blog Posting(Feature)

    Introduce user login and registration functionality to allow users to post blogs as authors.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium

  • Develop a Chatting System(Feature)

    Implement a real-time chat system for communication and interaction between users.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: High

  • Enable Project Filtering by Category(Improvement)

    Enhance project browsing experience by allowing users to filter projects based on categories.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium

  • Integrate User Analytics Tracking(Feature)

    Implement user analytics tools to track website traffic, user behavior, and engagement metrics.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium

  • Enhance Portfolio Presentation(Feature)

    Improve the visual appeal and user experience of the portfolio by incorporating new design elements and functionalities.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium

  • Reply system integration on comments(Feature)

    Designing a comment system, such as Disqus, is a feature integrated into websites that allows users to post comments on published content, interact with other users through replies.

    Status: Planned

    Priority: High

  • Implement showing code example with blog/article(Feature)

    There will be a new feature added to show code example with blog/article to get a clear understanding about the blog/article

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium

  • Allow user to put their opinion about the website(Feature)

    There should a form added to put user's opinion for error/issue/bug/improvement

    Status: Planned

    Priority: Medium


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