Advanced Web Development Course

Programming Hero

2023-05-01 - 2024-01-01

Duration: 6 months

Passing Year: 2024

Result: A

Course Details:
  • Acquired comprehensive knowledge of TypeScript, including fundamentals, advanced features, and practical applications
  • Developed expertise in MongoDB and Mongoose, including schema design, query optimization, and advanced database operations
  • Built robust ExpressJS backends using TypeScript, integrating Redis for caching to enhance performance
  • Mastered Redux for state management, including handling asynchronous tasks and data fetching with RTK Query
  • Learned Next.js for server-side rendering, client-side routing, and implementing industry-standard caching and revalidation techniques
  • Became proficient in relational database management with PostgreSQL, including advanced querying, normalization, and indexing
  • Explored Prisma ORM for efficient database interactions and implemented backend solutions with TypeScript and PostgreSQL using Next.js
  • Attained expertise in Linux fundamentals, Docker, and CI/CD pipelines for deploying applications on AWS infrastructure
  • Studied advanced concepts of TypeScript, such as generics, interfaces, and object-oriented programming principles
  • Practiced advanced query techniques and aggregation framework in MongoDB to optimize database performance
  • Developed full-stack applications using ExpressJS, React, and Redux, ensuring efficient state management and seamless data flow
  • Implemented Next.js for building highly performant and SEO-friendly web applications with server-side rendering and client-side routing
  • Mastered PostgreSQL, including database modeling, normalization, transactions, and advanced features for scalable and efficient data storage

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