Complete Web Development Course

Programming Hero

2022-06-01 - 2023-01-01

Duration: 6 months

Passing Year: 2023

Result: A+

Course Details:
  • I quickly learned HTML and CSS by watching a few videos and then created two impressive websites. I can share the links to these websites with anyone and show off
  • I thoroughly learned the ins and outs of the popular framework Bootstrap. After that, I created two e-commerce websites with it. How fun!
  • I mastered six main aspects of JavaScript, learned problem-solving with JavaScript, and tackled interview questions and answers. I also enhanced my knowledge with ES6.
  • I did live calculations for deposit and withdraw in a bank using JavaScript. Then, I implemented a system for calculating the shopping cart totals in an e-commerce site.
  • I gained an understanding of servers, made REST API calls to load JSON data, learned about Node.js, MongoDB (database), and debugging with Chrome DevTools.
  • The course's most important aspect was teaching me to create a complete website from scratch to finish with the most job-demanding JavaScript framework in the world, React.
  • I created fully professional websites with React, including database, server-side, hosting, payment systems, login, and routing, making the website 100% client-ready.
  • I was introduced to many essential tools like Firebase Authentication, TypeScript, Sass, Tailwind, Google Maps API, and more, as needed for my work.
  • I completed a total of 12 projects on my own with the course's help. Additionally, the course showed me how to create 5 more websites. By working on these, I unknowingly became a complete web developer.

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